Informed Liability Waiver and Agreement

The statement below is a required agreement. Be sure to read it.

In order to take part in a postural assessment, private or duet sessions, you’ll need to sign this waiver.

Doing so allows us to work together, not doing so will result in my inability to fulfill your package sessions. I cannot issue a full refund.

"I hereby consent to voluntarily engage in remote movement sessions- either in a personal training session or in a group call with Erin Wilson of Coeur Pilates (Erin).

I understand that despite Erin's due diligence, she cannot guarantee my safety. I will stop the practice immediately and let Erin know if pain comes along with a movement. I understand that Erin is not a doctor, and her directions for engagement, movement and homework are optional. Erin may refer me to a doctor and I understand that her doing so is staying within the scope of her practice as a Pilates teacher certified through Pilates Sports Center.

I have been informed that during my participation in the class or training, I will engage in the physical activities arranged by the instructor unless symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, chest discomfort or sharp/unusual pain occur. At that point it is my responsibility to inform Erin of my symptoms and it is my right to take a break, decrease participation or stop exercising.

If I am referred by Erin to a professional, she will opt to suspend any remaining session credits for 3 months (90 days), or longer, as needed with written notice. Only partial refunds will be given. In rare circumstances a transfer of sessions will be honored only to someone who has signed and returned this waiver.

I will inform Erin of my need to cancel or reschedule a session in a timely manner by giving her as much notice as possible. Cancellations within 4 hours time may result in a loss of that session's credit, and will be enforced strictly if it becomes a pattern.

It is my responsibility to inform Erin of any health issues that may affect my practice with her, and I understand that the information collected in a Wellness Questionnaire or during a verbal consultation will be used exclusively for my benefit. If anything changes with my health, medications, and/or circumstances that may affect our practice, I will let Erin know by email, text, phone call, or verbally at the start of our session together.

If Erin consults with any other health/fitness professionals, my identity will remain confidential.

I understand that Erin will provide as secure of a connection for our session as is possible, and I will not hold her liable if my privacy is compromised in any way. I understand that since Erin is not a healthcare professional, she is not bound by HIPPA, and it is possible that the session may not be completely private. I understand that I can choose to not share video and stay muted during a group virtual class. I agree to this waiver by clicking in to any group class link sent via email.

I will be notified as changes are made to cancellation or purchase policy as operations change in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.

I have added the email address "" as one of my contacts, so that I will see email updates from her concerning such changes and updates. I understand that if I choose to unsubscribe, I may miss out on any policy changes or updates. Erin will not subscribe you again, unless you expressly ask her to do so. You can also subscribe again on your own.

I understand she may suggest hand weights or other objects I have purchased or own already to use in our sessions together. I take full responsibility for any damage to my person or any others around me as a result of such props and/or equipment.

I will make sure I am in a safe place for full body movements and will not take risks that may cause damage.

I hereby waive Erin Wilson and Coeur Pilates of any and all liability. I have read this text. I agree to adhere to the policies stated here."

Enter your name here to sign the waiver.